WITH Bevan de Wet, Diana Hyslop, Heidi Mielke, Leanne Olivier, Richard Specs Ndimande, Rosemarie Marriott, Sifiso Themba, Wilma Cruise CURATORS Richard Specs Ndimande and Dineke Orton
“Becoming animal” suggests the idea of transforming into an animal, whether through physical traits or in character. But what does it mean to become something else? According to French thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari “becoming animal” is an in-between state. To become animal is to move from a solid sense of who you are, to something that keeps moving and shifting. Something “unstable”. According to them, becoming animal un-humans the human. It is something “the animal proposes to the human by indicating ways-out or means of escape that the human would never have thought of by themselves”. Perhaps it’s a way to understand animals better, or to become closer to nature.
This idea is explored in fresh, exciting, and contrasting ways by a remarkable group of artists in different materials, including bronze, taxidermy, and oil paint.
Visit this exhibition from 23 to 30 March until 18:00 and on 31 March until 14:00