Klein KKNK-teater

Supported by the ATKV

Family theatre and entertainment gets a new home at this year's festival! The Klein KKNK-teater is a special, well-equipped theater tent in the Festival Market. Admission to these exceptional theater productions is free for all Festival Market ticket holders. Space in the theater is limited and seats are unreserved. Once it's full for one show, you will have to come back for another show. In the Klein KKNK-teater, children of all ages can experience the wonderland of theatre. Up to three children's theatre productions are presented daily - which also provide great escape and entertainment for adults. Age groups are indicated as a guideline, as the program has been carefully constructed to cater for specific, and all ages. In this magical area, other sessions such as book readings by celebrities, puppet shows and games are also offered. Read more about this children's theatre offering:


Die rooi ballon

Dinosourusse kan nie lees nie

Elephants come home


Ons is hier


Rooi Boeties

The Heart of the Ocean

The Festival Market also offers an amusement park like you only find at festivals! Hours of musical entertainment await on the Feesmark-verhoog, supported by Huisgenoot, and sweets and other delicacies to choose from at the hundreds of stalls. Family entertainment is also offered elsewhere in theatres with productions such as Braam en die engel, which is an absolute must-see for primary and high school students.

Entry to the Festival Market is free for children under the age of 7, accompanied by a parent, and costs only R30 per day for children between 7 and 13 years old.

Multiple languages • Family
Included in Festival Market ticket
24 March, 10:00
25 March, 10:00
26 March, 10:00
27 March, 10:00
28 March, 10:00
29 March, 10:00
30 March, 10:00
31 March, 10:00
Klein KKNK-teater in the Festival Market

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